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Greenhouse disease and insect management recommendations for 2024

Insect management
The MSU Extension floriculture team has updated their “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2024” guide. It provides a list of recommended products for controlling the most common insect and mite pests found in greenhouse floriculture production systems. Products are presented in a table format that includes the trade name, active ingredient, mode of action (MoA) group, and restricted entry interval (REI). This format is intended to deliver quick and easy access to the information that growers need to manage pests effectively.

Growers of greenhouse vegetables and greens can use the guide “Recommended Insecticides for Common Greenhouse Pests on Vegetables, Herbs, and Leafy Greens” when considering an insecticide application. The guide provides the names of the products, active ingredients, labeled crops and the pests they control. For more information on the guide, see the MSU article “Insecticides for Common Pests on Greenhouse Vegetables and Transplants.”

Disease management
MSU Extension plant pathologist Mary Hausbeck has released her updated “2024 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide. Based on years of efficacy trials, the products are graded from “A+” to “B/B-”. The “A” team products provide a high level of disease control, and “B” team products provide good, but more limited control. At the outset of disease symptoms or during a time when disease pressure may become high (wet, cloudy conditions), choosing a fungicide product that has been graded as an “A” could provide the level of plant protection needed. In other situations when prevention is important, disease symptoms are not evident, and the conditions are sunny and dry, a wider range of products can likely do the job.

It’s of utmost importance that fungicides be alternated over the course of the growing season based on their FRAC codes. The FRAC code appears on the first page of the pesticide label and is based on the fungicide’s mode of action. Ensuring that the fungicides included in a program have different FRAC codes is the best way to prevent a pathogen from developing resistance to fungicides. Over reliance on a particular fungicide or group of fungicides with the same FRAC code greatly increases the risk that the target pathogen will become resistant to that chemistry which could result in control failure.

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